Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 7 Second Draft of Fiction for Review

Module 7 Second Draft of Fiction for Review

Q You should have more than one draft of each of your pieces for your portfolio. Please post a second/third draft of your fiction piece so you can get feedback. Please list three things you would like to to have the reviewer consider. Post your draft no later than Thursday night at 11:59 (note late submissions will not be assigned peer reviews) Peer Reviews must be completed by Sunday at 11:59 Directions for Peer Reviews Once you have submitted, check back the next day to see who you will be peer reviewing. To Peer Review, go back to the assignment click on the name(s). Once it opens you will see View Feedback (in the upper right hand corner). Click on that and the document will open. Once it is opened, you will see icons in the upper right of the screen that will allow you to make comments in the text of the paper. Highlight, make comments etc, then just exit (it will save automatically) You will not receive credit for this exercise if you do not follow the directions

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All of a sudden my world came crashing down with these four words, “I’m having an affair.” The room spun and I felt as though I couldn’t breathe. My name is Robin and I have been married for twenty years. I have a beautiful house in the suburbs of Long Island. I teach special education at the local school. My two boys, Logan and Patrick are in high school and extremely busy with sports. My husband Michael has his own pool business and works crazy hours, or at least that is what I thought. On the surface, things looked great. We were at all of our sons’ sports events, went out with friends, and vacationed as a family.